GeoPrecision Homepage

Imprint and Terms of Use

Preamble: Special terms for Germany:

Sollten Inhalte oder Angebote unserer Internetseiten gegen geltendes Recht verstossen, so bitten wir um eine umgehende, direkte Kontaktaufnahme per Telefon oder E-Mail, so dass wir dies möglichst rasch beheben können. Die zeitaufwendige und möglicherweise kostenintensive Einschaltung Dritter dürfte kaum einem mutmasslichen oder wirklichen Willen entsprechen dass ein vorhandener Mangel schnellstmöglich behoben wird. Das Angebot dieser Seite ist beschränkt auf technische Fachanwender. Die technisch übliche (und vorausgesetzte) Umgangssprache ist Englisch. Sämtliche Informationen in Deutsch sind daher lediglich als ergänzende Informationen zu betrachten.

1. Address and Copyright

GeoPrecision GmbH
Adolf-Kolping-Str. 5a
D-76275 Ettlingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7243 505419-0
Fax: +49 (0)7243 505419-9


UST-ID: DE262268509 / St.-Nr. 31192 / 25692
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Dirk Wollesen, Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Wickenhäuser
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 705230

2. Disclaimer

If you disagree in any of the following items, installation and use of our soft- and hardware is not permitted!

2.1 Errors

All supplied information on our sites and documentation was given at best knowledge and in good faith. Our software and hardware has been carefully developed and tested. But it is a well known fact, that at the contemporary state of technology, it is not possible to guarantee that a product is completely free of errors. For that reason we decline any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by our software and/or use of our hardware. The use is at your own risk.

2.2 Trademarks

All terms mentioned in this software and the complementary documentation that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriate marked. But we can not attest the accuracy of this information. Use of a term should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

2.3 Internet

All references to Internet addresses (links) are given by best knowledge. However, we want to emphasise particularly that the contents of those addresses usually are beyond our influence. Therefor we dissociate us explicitly from any referenced contents and addresses, if they are an offence against any current laws.

3. Conversion and return

Hardware (due to the use of semiconductors) and software are excluded from conversion and return.